Application for Individual and Group Exhibitions at ASK

The Arts Society of Kingston (ASK) invites all current members to submit proposals for individual or group exhibitions in the Front and Spotlight Galleries.

Rules to Apply:

  • Applicant must be a Member of ASK in order to apply for a Solo Show
  • Members may have one solo show in either the Spotlight or Front Gallery once every two years
  • Fees
    • The Gallery Rental Fee of $75 is for the small Front Gallery
    • $300 for the larger Spotlight Gallery
      • Payment
        • 50% non-refundable deposit within 14 days of acceptance
        • 50% 30 days prior to hanging

Fields marked with an * are required.

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Are you a current ASK member?
Is this proposal for a solo or group show?
Which ASK gallery for your proposal?
This should include what visitors should expect to see and will be included on promotional materials if selected.
IMPORTANT: Label each image upload with last name, first name, title
Enter ONLY the title of the work.
Required for each work.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
jpg/jpeg - 2MB maximum
Enter ONLY the title of the work.
Required for each work
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
jpg/jpeg - 2MB maximum
Enter ONLY the title of the work.
Required for each work
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
jpg/jpeg - 2MB maximum
Enter ONLY the title of the work.
Required for each work.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
jpg/jpeg - 2MB maximum
Enter ONLY the title of the work.
Required for each work
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
jpg/jpeg - 2MB maximum
By submitting this form you acknowledge
  • You are applying for a gallery exhibition at the Arts Society of Kingston during 2025
  • That each exhibition starts on the first Saturday of the month and ends on the Sunday before the first Saturday of the following month
  • You will gallery sit for all three galleries one time during your exhibit and be present at your opening
  • You are responsible for installation/hanging of art show, take down/load-out of artshow, labels, and providing images of your work to the Gallery Committee
  • You are responsible for providing your own PR to the gallery committee six weeks prior to the show
  • You agree to pay required fees
    • The rental fee is $75 is for the small Front Gallery
    • $300 for the larger Spotlight Gallery
      • Payment
        • 50% non-refundable deposit within 14 days of acceptance
        • 50% 30 days prior to installation
    • ASK will coordinate the sale of artworks
      • ASK retains 30% administrative fee from each work sold during the duration of the exhibition
      • The artist will receive 70% within two weeks after exhibit closing