Start or Renew an ASK membership
Benefits of Membership:
Core Benefits:
- Minimum 10% discount on certain classes, tickets, events, concerts, and performances at ASK
- Special member rate for space rental
- Networking with professional artists and community members
- Advice, support and community
- Invitation to Annual Members Meeting
- Opportunity to serve on committees and impact the future of ASK
Artist Benefits:
- Up to 3 pieces ($10 hanging fee per piece after the first piece) in each of our 8+ annual member shows and discounted entry to our juried shows
- Can apply to have a solo/guest curated exhibition in ASK’s Spotlight Gallery
- Receive an 70/30 box office split ($200 minimum to ASK) for theater performances
- Reduced rehearsal space rental rate
- Prompts for open mics/performances
Membership Options
- Student $25
- Contributor $50 (Core Benefits Only)
- Artist $100
- Dual $150
- Supporter $200
- Patron $500+
- Benefactor $1,000+
(To discuss business membership and sponsorships, please contact us directly – 845-338-0333.)