This page contains information and links for ASK Members.
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ASK provides members with opportunities to volunteer their time to support our vibrant artistic community. There are two ways to volunteer for ASK:
Volunteer for a day at ASK.
Read the descriptions below and then click the button sign up.
- Gallery Sitter: Spend the afternoon on a Saturday or Sunday greeting guests, answering questions and enjoying the exhibitions! You will be paired with an experienced volunteer/staff. A great way to get to know our patrons! This volunteer will receive a coupon for submitting a free piece to a members’ exhibition.
- Clean-up days: We’ve got spaces that need some attention and organization! Be part of a small crew getting ready for opening. Led by an experienced volunteer/staff. Food provided!
- Usher: Help our Box Office Manager before and after a performance. Setting up the space, handing out programs, helping patrons find their seats, etc. See the show at no cost!
- Art Intake: On the Tuesday or Wednesday before the opening of new exhibition, assist our members in dropping off and picking up artwork. You will be paired with an experienced volunteer/staff. Meet your fellow visual artists! This volunteer will receive a coupon for submitting a free piece to a members’ exhibition.
Visual Arts
Each year ASK presents at least eight Members Exhibitions. These exhibitions are open to all current members. Each exhibition has a theme, and members are allowed to submit up to three pieces per exhibition. The pieces may have a maximum combined area of 1,800 sq inches, must not have been displayed at ASK in the past 12 months, and the 2nd and 3rd images are subject to a $10 hanging fee per piece (the first is always free to hang). ASK does not jury these exhibitions, although we reserve the right to not display a work of art if it is deemed discriminatory or harmful to our community. ASK receives 40% of any sales that occur during or as a result of the exhibition. The exhibitions run from the 1st Saturday of each month until the last Saturday (Sunday during Summer hours, Jun-Sept). Submissions are made via our online form (linked below) and Pick-up and Drop-off of art is the Tuesday and Wednesday before the next opening (1st Saturday).
Each year the ASK Gallery Committee accepts proposals for Solo, Small Group, or Curated exhibitions in our Spotlight Gallery. The selected artists will receive a month-long (1st Saturday to last Saturday) exhibition at ASK. The cost of space for selected artists is $300.
Members are encouraged to share their passion and knowledge with the rest of ASK and the community. Members may submit a workshop/class proposal using the form below. Typically the tuition fees from students will be split 60/40 between the instructor/ASK, but arrangements can be made for ongoing classes or rentals of the space.
Performing Arts
ASK provides Performing Artists with opportunities to show their work in our theater. ASK members may submit proposals for performances and split the ticket sales with ASK. The split is 80% to the artist and 20% to ASK with a $200 minimum for ASK. We will provide a box office manager, publicity, and ticketing. The agreement includes four hours of time in the theater space.
Members may also utilize the theater space for rehearsals. Rehearsal rate is $15/hour and is available during regular ASK hours (Tue-Sat 1-6pm) when the space is not otherwise being used.
Every year the Performing Arts Committee curates the ASK Presents performance series. Eight artists/artist groups are chosen to participate. Each artist receives one week of rehearsal time and three performances. There is no fee to apply or participate and this series is open to members and non-members. There is a 60/40 artist/ASK split of the ticket sales.