2023 Calendar Theme: Artists of the Hudson Valley
Our 2023 calendar will feature ASK members’ artwork from across the Hudson Valley. There will be a month-long gallery exhibit in January 2023 at the Arts Society of Kingston showcasing the work.
By supporting this project, you are helping a local artist show their work in the calendar and in AKSs gallery space, and also helping ASK continue providing accessible opportunities to our community. Thank you for helping us champion the arts in Kingston.
Sponsorship Levels
Tier 1: $1,500
- ASK Business Membership
- Logo listing as a sponsor on calendar back,
- Listed as sponsor of calendar and gallery exhibition in social media, press, etc.
- Printed material at exhibition.
Tier 2: $500
- Sponsor an artist: logo displayed on the month (Link on digital version)
- Social media mention when featuring artist
Tier 3: $150
- Logo listing as sponsor (link on digital version)
Tier 3: $50
- Text listing as sponsor on calendar and digital version